Graphology And Types Of Handwriting Analysis

What is Graphology?
  • Graphology or Handwriting Analysis is the science of interpreting a person's character from their handwriting. 

What is Handwriting Analysis used for?

Handwriting Analysis, together knowledge of human behavior, has many purposes:
It is a tool used to analyze business and personal relationships. For example, for recruitmentpersonal and business compatibility, career, guidance, team motivation and just to gain a deeper insight into your own personality.

Graphology is used extensively in Europe, particularly France where 90% of all recruiters turn to handwriting analysis to place the most compatible and suitable person. And now, according to The Wall Street Journal, Handwriting Analysis is used by big US corporations� this trend can only grow as human resource managers have less and less time to assess the huge number of apparently similar applicants for each position.
A personal or business analysis can determine the writer's:
  • Physical & Material Stimuli
  • Emotional Characteristics
  • Intellectual Style
  • Personality Traits
  • Social Behavior
  • Vocational Aptitude

  • Why use handwriting?

    We all start out with copybook handwriting. As we go through life our experiences change our writing; the further we go from the copybook style the higher the degree of originality, the closer to the copybook style the more conformist we are.
    No two people write in the same style, each will form their letters quite differently, and each will show variation from day to day. Stress and emotional upset also make a huge impact on writing. A handwriting analysis points out the good and bad points of the writer. It can help to make life easier for a person by developing their good points and correcting the bad points. Handwriting is controlled in the same area of the brain where the personality develops. Up to 40 different elements of handwriting are measured, assessed, analyzed and compared; each symbol is then interpreted as a personality characteristic. Because no two handwritings are alike, just as no two people are alike, every handwriting is as unique as a fingerprint. 

    Your handwriting can help to change a personality trait or correct a bad habit. When you change a specific letter in your handwriting it helps to alter a corresponding personality trait. This is called Graphotherapy; the science of reprogramming your subconscious mind. Graphotherapy can make either a small adjustment to a person's life or it may change it very significantly. It involves in depth analysis of the handwriting AND the person. 

    The History of Graphology In 1875, the French Abbot, Jean Hyppolyte Michon, coined the phrase "Graphology", from the Greek "Graph" meaning, 'To write' or 'I write', and "Logos" meaning 'doctrine' or 'theory'. Although the term 'graphology' is relatively recent, it's thought the subject dates back many centuries originally having been taken from Southern India to China and from there to Greece, around 2,000 BC. Since then many great minds have commented on handwriting: Aristotle wrote, "Just as all men do not have the same speech, neither do they all have the same writing"; Confucius observed, "Handwriting can infallibly show whether it comes from a person who is noble-minded or from one who is vulgar". Types Of Handwriting Analysis

    Personal: What you are really like. Find out your good points, build on them, reach your goals. Correct negative characteristics that cause you relationship problems.
    Compatibility, personal: Between partners, family, friends, lovers. Are you and they compatible?

    Signature: How you feel about yourself and family. This is a simple form of handwriting Analysis There are two main benefits, firstly it's easy to get a sample whether the person is personally known to you or a public figure without easy access to a full sample of handwriting. For example a signature from your Corporate Annual Report. Secondly, it can show the aspirations of the writer.
    Compatibility, business: Will a job applicant fit in with the present business staff?

    Qualifications: What direction should the writer take in their personal and business life.

    Interaction: Between family members, points out traits that are causing trouble within a family and shows how to correct them.

    Trouble: Stealing, back stabbing, union problems in business. Find out who is the cause, who is a troublemaker.

    What is needed to do the analysis?
    Business or Personal Compatibility Analysis:
    • It is always better to have handwriting analysis done when the person is not aware their writing is going to be analyzed. This way the graphologist gets a truer picture of how the writer writes on a daily basis. Handwriting can be in any language except Chinese, Russian or Arabic.
    Personal Analysis:
    • Send your daily handwriting samples instead of composing a 'piece' specifically for analysis. Your handwriting can be in any language except Chinese, Russian or Arabic.
    REFERENCES: The Hurricane Method


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